Monday, 19 September 2011

I can not believe I got through to the semi finals of Masterchef. It was one of the most stressful programmes I have ever been involved with. I didn't ever think I would cry over cooking but I did. My cooking skills have improved immensely and I wouldn't have missed the experience. It gets really gruelling in the next round with more invention tests and cooking on mass. John and Gregg are so serious it makes you very nervous although Gregg did crack a funny line when I Darren and I were cooking the 10 breakfasts. He walked passed and said to me "No one could ever accuse you of having two fried eggs" naughty boy!

Looking forward to Snow White at The Grand Theatre Wolverhampton this year. We have a great cast with my hubby Sam Kane as the Prince, Nicky Evens from Xfactor as the Fairy and the fantastically funny Grumblweeds providing the comedy.
Talk to you soon love Linda x x x

Friday, 18 March 2011

Well I promised to blog more regularly but I haven't. Just become a Tweeter. It is great fun and so instant. I will try to keep in touch on the blog too. We have a new addition to our family. Thumper a miniature lop eared rabbit and he is adorable. He lives in hutch in my son's bedroom. We have to make sure Koko our little sausage dog doesn't get in there when bunny is out running about. Koko would think its an early lunch. x x x

Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Hi There, God I am bad at this. It is going to be my new years resolution to make entries to my blog more often. Well we had a fabulous Panto season in Llandudno even though we battled the snow most days. My poor little miniature dachshund, Koko had to be carried everywhere as her little tummy was on the cold snow. Back home now and the diary is filling up with work. I am back on Ideal World on 8th Feb shows at 2pm and 8pm and will be starting work on a BBC show on Monday. Our little girl Lucy who is now 14 years old sang last night to a 20.000 strong audience at the O2 Arena last night. She sang "First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" for the charity Voice in a Million. She was amazing and I couldn't stop crying. She has the most gorgeous voice. You can watch some of her performances on youtube ( Lucy Kane ). I promise to write again soon.
Bye for now x