Thursday, 19 August 2010

Hi there, Well I have done 4 shows on Ideal World with Lusardi My Miracle skin care range and I am so relieved that you seem to like it. The feed back we have had has all been positive and I am back on screen on Wed 29th September. Thank you to all those ladies out there (and men) who took a chance on trying my range I really hope it gives you the results your are hoping for as it did for me.
To have a look at the range go to
My daughter Lucy has taken part in a recording for 'A Voice in a Million' charity record that goes on sale in Sept. She is singing 'First Time Ever I Saw Your Face'. To support the charity go
She has an amazing voice and I am so proud of her. I can't believe we have already had a photo call for Panto. Its still summer!
Talk to you soon love Linda x

Monday, 28 June 2010

Hi there, My creams are nearly ready hooray. I am launching them on Ideal World Shopping Channel on July 28th. I also went to Thorsby Hall in Nottingham this week to film the competition slot for GMTV so look out for that the week commencing 12 July. Its on about 5 times each morning that week. Its a Warners Holiday Hotel and it is breath taking. The staff there we real sports and joined in with the filming. I might even go back for a weekend break with Sam.

I have had a new website made for my photography it will be running very soon at Just to let you know that the Linda Lusardi on face book is NOT me. I have already had a couple of impostors removed but there is yet another. So I apologize to you if any of you have contacted me. I think there should be a law against it. Enjoy the sunshine
Linda x

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

Hiya, God I am useless at keeping this up to date. Well I did a tour of Viva Broadway which was songs from the musicals. Then I went off to Switzerland to finalize my new skin care range. It is absolutely fabulous and I can wait to share it with everyone when I start to promote it on Ideal World Shopping Channel next month. We have been given 28th July as our first date. I have been really busy in the photographic studio not only doing my make over days but I did some lovely shots of Anthony Costa and Bradley Walsh last week. I will try not to leave it so long next time. Bye for now x

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Hi there, well just finished a brilliant season of Snow White in Northampton. The audiences were really up for it and Lucy (my daughter) loved playing the fairy and Jack (my son) had a great time in the chorus.

Sam and I are about to embark on a tour of one nighters with "Viva Broadway"
It is songs from the musicals and I am looking forward to working with Sam again.

Went to Dancing on Ice last Sunday to support Daniel and Hayley.
She is fantastic and I am sure she is going to win. It was so lovely to see all the pro dancers and judges from the show. I can"t believe I appeared in the show 2 years ago. I don't think I could still skate.