Saturday, 5 October 2013

I was so privileged to give out an award at the Women Of Inspiration for Breakthrough Breast Cancer on Saturday. So many brave women. It was heart breaking to see Steve, Bernie Nolan's husband and their daughter Erin. Linda Nolan was there with them to collect an award for Bernie who lost her battle with Cancer earlier this year. It only seems like months ago we had a BBQ in my garden and Bernie was on the mend.

Some pictures from the night
Steve, Erin, Linda                                                   Me and Spencer

Me and Louise

 I took Lucy and Jack to the Teens Unite charity Purple Tie event at Paradise Park. Teens Unite do some amazing work supporting teenagers with cancer. It was a wonderful night full of inspirational heart felt stories from the teenagers.

me Lucy and Jack

So excited about the launch of my clothing range on Monday. Watch this space !!!!